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Policy decisions are made in a complex, ever-changing environment. To consistently secure policy and funding wins, we've built a theory of change based on academic research, backed by our own experience and and the expertise of people who have run some of the most successful campaigns. 


There are three key components have come together for every policy or resourcing decision.

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The problem we need to solve has to be perceived as having general importance to the decision-maker's key stakeholders. 

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The decision-maker must prioritise the issue highly enough to allocate financial or human resources to implement the solution.

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The ask itself must be 'appropriate'  - within the 'Overton Window' and the decision-maker's sphere of influence.


There are a range of tools and tactics that can influence a decision-maker's sense of the general importance of an issue, their level of personal motivation, and the appropriateness of the ask. The core of our day-to-day work is identifying the most appropriate approaches based on the the specific skills and capabilities of our partners and the change we are trying to make.


CGH is structured around these key approaches, so that whatever the challenge, we've got the expertise to try to meet it.

Scientist with Microscope


Health workers and researchers choose their profession because they want to have a positive impact on patients. Too often, policy and funding constraints stand in the way of that. As experts with frontline experience, these professionals can be hugely effective advocates for evidence-based policy and funding, but many don’t know how or where to begin or are cautious about doing it on their own.


Through our ‘Science-Led Advocacy’ Programme we are convening and supporting individual scientists and healthcare workers, national research networks, and global platforms to undertake evidence-informed policy engagement and advocacy on key global health issues.


Examples of our work

In 2023, we worked with over 400 academics and clinicians from across the world to engage directly with their UN Missions around the recent High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis (TB) - one of the largest academic-led initiatives in the TB space in recent years. 


At present, we're running a Global Scientific Panel, in partnership with the Intellectual Forum at the University of Cambridge, involving academics and clinicians from over 25 United Nations Member States. The panel has produced an evidence-based white paper for governments outlining the potential synergies between the global policy response to AMR and work already being undertaken in the global fight against TB. You can read more about the panel here



Below is a sample of some of our most recent publications and tools. If you have any questions about any of the documents, please feel free to get in touch!

White Paper: Global Scientific Panel on AMR and TB

May 2024 


The Global Scientific Panel on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Tuberculosis (TB) is made up of clinical and scientific experts from across more than 25 UN Member States.  The panel was convened by Campaigns in Global Health and the Intellectual Forum at Jesus College, Cambridge. 


AMR is a public health emergency and drug-resistant TB is one of the major drivers of AMR-associated illness and deaths around the world. The UN has mobilised to address both issues, with a High-Level Meeting on TB in 2024 and a High-Level Meeting on AMR set to take place in September 2024. 


The panel has developed an evidence-based white paper, drawing on their expertise and that of their colleagues from around the world. Setting out how these agendas are entwined, they urge world leaders to break down siloes and leverage synergies at the forthcoming UN High-Level Meeting on AMR. 


No effort to end TB will be successful without a robust AMR response, and no AMR response will be succesful without ending TB. To find out more, click here


Toolkit: Hosting more equitably accessible global meetings 

September 2023 


Where you host an in-person meeting matters because it determines who is able to participate and shape the meeting's outcomes. In global health, this has become a major problem, with the effectiveness of conferences and meetings undermined because visa and budget barriers prevent colleagues from low- and middle-income countries participating fully.


We developed a methodology to help us identify the most suitable location for any event, that prioritises countries that are accessible to those with direct lived experience and who will lead the implementation of policies and services being discussed. We thought the approach might be useful to others, so are sharing it as a toolkit.


To explore the toolkit, click here

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Report: Ready Next Time - Beating TB today and preparing for pandemics tomorrow

March 2023 


This report maps the intersection between efforts to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPPR) systems and efforts to end tuberculosis (TB). It sets out how policymakers and funders can deliver impact across both agendas, saving lives today and tomorrow and helping to make the case for sustained investment in public health.


To read the full report, click here


To read the 2 pager briefing, click here


To read the key findings (slide deck), click here


To read a briefing on TB, PPPR and AMR, click here


To read a briefing on TB, PPPR and UHC, click here


Occasional Paper: Impact of High-Level Member State Representation

January 2023 


This occasional paper seeks to identify whether there is any correlation between the political seniority of representatives of member states speaking at the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting on TB and the subsequent progress of that country against TB.


Download the paper here.

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